DEBBIE PREECE © 2015

 Finding JOY in your JOurneY through MOTHERHOOD!

1. Mom is Always Right!

2. The Rules are made for Mom’s enjoyment not the children’s. However, the children will be so thrilled to play by your rules that you will be the World’s Best Mom even as they work!

3. Mom has the right to change the rules at anytime, after a warning is given.

4. Mom is the best mom in the Whole World.

5. Mom has the right to "up the ante” (price)anytime if she fees she is doing something from the Reward List more often than she wants.

6. Children WILL be expected to come the FIRST time they are called: Cheerfully and Happily.

7. Children and parent will use the “magic words.“ They are Please, Thank you and You're Welcome.

                 AND MANY MORE....

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