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What the Bible says about parenting tips

Parenting From The GardenAdd To Cart

“ As a  mom with three at home I am LOVING From Combat Zone to Love at Home! We have begun to implement it & are awe-struck by the results we're already receiving. My almost-9-year-old son is motivated toward goals (of wii time, in particular) like never before, and we love the idea of blessing our kids rather than always "being on them." I had seen a Pinterest post recently about the Proverb "A soft answer turns away wrath" where families put pompoms into a jar when people speak respectfully to one another in the family. We took your ideas & smooshed them together with that idea. Where Accountable Kids failed us, though, this fills in the gap. Where Celebrate Calm gave us the guilt about our yelling voices, you gave us the solution to move from that to blessings. Sheesh, I cannot say enough about the system's effect on our family. I have already told another mom about it, and will continue to spread the news!”

 Review  by Lisadrea Wentland  2012

 From Combat Zone to Love at Home by Debbie Preece
